Itty bitty baby parts or the ultrasound baby shower game is just as you guessed it! A game using ultrasound scans of the baby and asking guests to guess the various body part in each scan.
If the mommy to be is having a gender reveal party the ultrasound baby shower game is a unique and fun way to play around while seeing who can figure out the sex of the baby.
Now you do need to do some prep before the big day by getting pictures of the little one in the belly. Try to get as much body parts as possible printed so you have plenty to work with.
Drive up the fun factor by playing this game when there are guys around because you have absolutely no idea what weird or crazy thing they will see or say.
What’s great about this game is that it can be unique to mommy to be and her guests if she uses her very own ultrasound scans. If you don’t want to use mommy’s scans or simply not in a position to do so, don’t worry. You can find free or for purchase options of this game
This makes for a fantastic ice breaker to start the
party too
You will need:
Ultrasound pictures of itty bitty baby parts
Paper and pen
How to play:
Number each photo and give each person paper and pen or download this free ultrasound baby shower game template.
Get a poster board or simply pass scans around to each player and have them write the baby body part to the corresponding ultrasound photo.
This is a simply hilarious game and it also serves to include the baby on the way in the festivities not to mention everyone gets a peek at the precious bundle early.
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